Cover art...

Cover Art by Ivan Arenas. ℗ 2022, The Mailman';s Children Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Ivan Arenas is the artist and graphics designer who created the cover art for the band's debut album. Ivan, who is currently the Associate Director for Community Partnership at the Univerisity of Illinois at Chicago, is also a strong advocate and spokesperson for social justice. Here is what Ivan had to say about the work:
"It’s been a hard few years here in North America… the pandemic, continuing police violence against Black and Brown communities, political polarization and the storming of the capitol, the lack of affordable housing. In one way or another we are all trying to find the shoreline. I tried to balance communicating the turbulence of the moment with the promise of better times ahead by using shredded photographs of water in bright colors. A small boat pushes through. Ahead, somewhere, is the shore.
It was important as well to have the band represented in the image for this inaugural record and this led to the use of a photograph as the outline for the coast. The backgrounds were chosen not only because of their different tones but because they are spaces that, to me, provide grounding in turbulent times. Fertile soil, a quiet spot in the woods, falling snow, stones that make up a mountain. Hopefully, the cover adds something to the artistry of the music and reflects the themes in the record. And, hopefully too, we will all find ourselves soon touching the shoreline."